The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

36 Weeks

On Monday I went and got my glucose tested. I had to wait two hours in between the draws, which my doctor failed to tell me. Luckily Xander was really good. I had an appointment today with my doctor. They were doing an ultrasound today, so Brandon took half a day off and came with us. We got there and waited half an hour. Finally the nurse came out and said that they have a new system and she didn't know I was there and they weren't quite ready for me yet. So we waited another 20 minutes and then were taken back. We waited another 20 minutes in the room for the doctor and were finally able to be seen. Both Brandon and I were pretty annoyed. He now sees why they frustrate me so much. He made sure he was still head down and measured me. I didn't gain any weight this time, which doesn't make sense because I am definitely getting bigger. My test results came back good, so my sugars are under control. We did the ultrasound and all his measurements said that he was in the 6 lb. range, which is normal for my gestation. So, he is not going to start me in two weeks. I'm a little disappointed, but I think it will be good to just go on my own when the baby is ready instead of smoking him out. Next week I am going to see the Family Practitioner that my doctor recommended in case he's not there when I go into labor. He will check me next week and I can get to know him. There are no Pediatricians in the area, so he would do that as well. The week after that I will meet with my doctor again and he will check to see if I'm ready to be induced or not.

Xander thought that he needed to pose in this picture with me, and yes it is snowing outside!

We got the crib set up last night and started painting Xander's bed tonight. We just have to finish Xander's bed and then we will be able to put the crib mattress in the crib and we will be all set, except for the absence of a baby.

I have not been sleeping at all lately. As soon as I lie down, he goes crazy and I can't fall asleep. When I finally do fall asleep, I keep waking up to roll over, which is no easy task. My hips are so stiff and sore in the morning that I can barely get out of bed. So, I am pretty miserable to try and live with these days.

It’s week 36 and it seems as though Baby has developed in the merest blink of an eye -- and this week, that’s what he’s doing: blinking! He’s practicing, just as he has been practicing swallowing and breathing.

Your little genius is also well on his way to achieving that telethon-worthy goal of 100 billion neurons as his brain continues its rapid development.

And proving he's more than just all brains, he's quite the looker. He’s finally plump enough to be officially out of raisin stage -- he even has little dimples on his elbows!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

35 Weeks

Please take some time to participate in the new poll on the side. We still can't agree on a name and we need your help. I just want to see what everyone thinks, but I won't necessarily follow your opinions. Maybe this will help us to realize that we do have a favorite. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any other suggestions, but be serious.
I've been thinking a lot about what this unborn child of ours will look like. You have your first child and you think that he/she are the most beautiful child ever created (until their hair falls out and they develop big open eczema wounds all over their face). You then get pregnant with your second child and you can't imagine them looking any different than your first. There is just no other option, they will be the clone of your first born child. However much sense this makes to my hormonal brain, I know that it will not be like this. Siblings never look alike when they are babies. Take my family for instance: there are six of us and none of us looked anything alike when we were born. I was the only one out of six who was born with black hair. Brandon's family is the same, they each had their own look as babies. So, it's been hard for me to imagine what baby Frank will look like, and I'm dieing to know! I'm training myself right now not to compare this baby to Xander. He will have his own look and personality and that's just the way it is. The interesting thing is, my sisters and I didn't look alike as babies, but people still get us mixed up as adults.
Baby Frank's movement patterns have changed over the last few days. He used to go crazy whenever I ate, sat, or lied down. But lately he has been kind of lazy. I called the doctor to see what I should do and she told me to count the movements per hour. I did that and called the nurse back and she said that my numbers sounded fine. They might do a stress test at my next appointment to make sure, but I shouldn't worry.
This week I washed all of our baby bedding and it's ready to be put in the crib. The only problem is, our crib hardware is in Shelley, we hope, because we can't find it. So, the crib parts are just sitting in Xander's room ready to be put together. We got Xander some new cute bedding for his twin bed, which unfortunately is in Shelley as well. It's a good thing we had planned on going this Saturday, because we need to pick up quite a few things. I also got the car seat washed and adjusted the straps to fit a newborn. I can't believe that babies are that small when they are born!

The little chickie in your belly is a little more than 5 lbs now, and closer to hatching everyday.

Her lungs are developed (the better to crow with, my dear) but if she is born now, she will need the help of an incubator to keep her little 20" beach-hat sized body going.

Over the next few weeks, your tiny chirper is going to be increasing her baby fat -- because what songbird wants to spend her first few days confined to a cramped incubator? So, settle down in your nest, preen a little and take it easy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

34 Weeks

I'm a little freaked out because Melissa had her baby yesterday. I bet you are wondering why that would freak me out. It's because I am now at the top of my Baby Bump list, yikes! I guess I'm next in line.
I went to my check-up today, and I was surprised that my doctor was actually there! The only thing that happened that kind of annoyed me is when the nurse took me back to the room, she hadn't cleaned it up yet, so I had to wait while she did that. The Easter weekend kind of screwed me over, so I ended up gaining 3 lbs. in 2 weeks. I just need the snow to melt so that I can get outside and be more active. My doctor looked over my glucose test and said that everything was okay. My levels were still borderline, so he drilled into me that I needed to follow my ADA diet religiously. From here on out is when I can't let my sugar get out of control. I guess it's time for Brandon to hide the Easter candy so that I can't indulge. At my next appointment in two weeks he will do an ultrasound to make sure that the baby is not getting too big. If he is getting too big then he will induce me at 38 weeks. The reason for this is it reduces the risk of having problems getting the baby out with no complications and makes it less likely that I will need a C-Section. He is head down, so that's a big relief. I asked him about what he would recommend about where to deliver. He said that he would rather that I deliver in Afton, especially if I'm going to be induced. He said that they have a brand new awesome OR if I need a C-Section and he lives at the hospital from Wednesday morning until Thursday night, so he would for sure be there if I was induced. I still don't know what to do!
Brandon has now decided that he better think about getting the crib set up. We didn't want to buy a new mattress for the crib, so we are moving Xander from the toddler bed to a lower bunk bed. We got some bunk beds from our old neighbors, they just need to be sanded and either painted or refinished. I'm excited to get some new bedding for him. I think I found one that I'm going to get, and it matches the quilt that my mom is making for baby Frank.
I've had to quit wearing my wedding ring, but I can still wear my bands. It's not that big of a deal because I only wear my ring when I go somewhere, but when I'm out and about my hands have started swell. My feet have started to swell as well and my shoes feel tight. I guess I'll just have to spend some more time on the couch with my feet elevated, darn it!
I've really been into this show lately. It's called "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant". I don't understand the women in this show at all. I can understand how you cannot know for a few months, but to go full term and have no idea that there is life growing inside of you is crazy. I really don't understand the women in this series who have had previous babies, or the ones who didn't know that they were pregnant with twins. These women have a serious case of denial which I think is brought on by not wanting to quit drinking or smoking, not wanting to pay for prenatal care, and expecting to get free stuff for their stupidity.

Pregnancy, labor and delivery are a maternal marathon, to say the least. But don’t think you’re the only one doing the work. This week the tiny athlete inside you is gearing up for “go” and settling into position for labor.

His little organs are fully developed, but he hasn’t reached Carl Lewis condition -- his lungs aren’t ready for the real world yet. He’ll have to cool his heels in the starting blocks for a little longer, which is a good thing if the nursery still isn’t ready!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

33 Weeks

There's not much to talk about this week, except that I am still pregnant. I think that the reason this pregnancy has seemed so long is because I'm cooped up here is Wyoming with nothing to take my mind off of being uncomfortable. My diet is going pretty good. I have my moments of weakness, especially when there are Muddy Buddies in the house. I know if I have overdone it because I usually feel like crap afterward. I still have no energy and I have to take lots of breaks and rests during the day. I hung Xander's shirts in his closet and rearranged the rest of his clothes in the dresser to make room for baby Frank's stuff. I got all of his newborn and 0-3 month size clothes put in the dresser and I love to go in and just look at them, especially the new stuff. We are going to Logan this weekend and we have to pick up a lot of stuff. So, I'm making my list, one of my favorite things to do. I haven't decided if I'm going to buy baby lotion or Eucerine. Xander's skin started to get bad when he was about 3 months old, and every time I'd put baby lotion on him he would scream, but he smelled good.

Over the next few weeks, your little one seems more like a mini sumo-in-training, as he’s going to gain more than half of his total birth weight in that short time. Even though the level of your amniotic fluid is at its maximum, at 18" long, your little guy is seriously running out of room -- especially considering that when he's in the fetal position, he's roughly the size of a soccer ball!.

Due to the cramped space, he’s still in that familiar fetal position, and you are definitely going to feel it every time he decides to stretch those long limbs! His bones are steadily hardening -- except for the skull, which has to remain soft for the journey down the birth canal.

Daily fetal kick counts are still important, and you should be experiencing the same amount of movement, so be sure to track the action and call your doctor if there are any significant changes.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

32 Weeks

I had a doctor's appointment today. I had to go get some blood work done before my appointment so that they could check my glucose levels again. My appointment was at 9:00 in the morning, so I had to go to the lab pretty early so that they could have my results at my appointment. We only have one running vehicle, so I had to drop Brandon off at work at 7:00. I got up at 5:20 because my phone kept beeping. We got ready and armed with plenty of snacks, and headed to Afton. I got to the lab at about 7:40 and they didn't take me back until 8:10. I then had to eat breakfast and then wait an hour and get my blood drawn again. While I was waiting, I walked over the doctor's office to tell them I would be late for my appointment. The nurse that scheduled my appointment came out and told me that my doctor was on vacation for Spring Break. Are you freakin' kidding me? What is wrong with these people? I was pretty upset, but what could I do? She said that she would see if one of the family doctors could see me real quick, which meant that I wouldn't be able to hear my test results. The doctor couldn't see me, so I saw an intern that was doing her rounds. She was really nice, but I had a lot of questions that only my doctor could have answered. The only good thing about my appointment was that I only gained 1 lb. again, go me! She kind of felt around my belly to see what position he was in. Her best guess was that he is head down with his butt in my ribs and his back on my right side. I figured this was where he was because I am so lopsided. I didn't have much time at my "appointment" because I had to be back to the lab. I ended up waiting about 20 minutes past the time I was supposed to be seen for them to draw my blood. If we are still living here when we have another baby, I am not going anywhere near SVMC!!

I thought that I was off the hook with melasma, but then I noticed this lovely brown patch below my eye. It's kind of hard to see, but trust me, it's there and noticeable to me. While we were in Arizona my feet actually started to swell. It must have been due to the heat, being on my feet a lot, and the change in elevation. It's gone now and hopefully won't return.

This diet is kicking my butt! I've never been a huge meat eater and I rarely eat eggs, so I feel like I don't have very many choices. I never have any energy and I am very short tempered. I'm trying really hard to be a good mom for Xander, especially because we still can't go outside because of the huge amounts of snow. I have to have rests after everything I do and I can't function without a nap every day. I enjoy being pregnant because I realize what a great blessing it is, but I'm about ready to be done being pregnant.
My heartburn has changed and now it is more like acid reflux. I finally got some liquid medicine and it helps quite a bit. I just half to remember to take it every night or I'm miserable. Xander loves giving baby Frank hugs and kisses. He tries to feel him kick, but he can't hold still long enough to actually feel anything.

At this point, your little spud is about 18.5” and still growing. But there’s no couch potato here! Your basketball-sized baby is extremely active and all five senses are fully developed -- she is keeping very busy.

Her toenails and fingernails are fully formed, as are her eyelashes and the hair on her head, which can range from Sinead O'Connor peach fuzz to a full-on Diana Ross 'do. If you deliver now, your sweet potato faces excellent odds of survival, but the longer she bakes the sweeter she gets!