The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

20 Weeks

I'm halfway done! It's kind of exciting, but sad at the same time. As much as I complain, I love being pregnant. And even though I'm a total wimp, I am really looking forward to giving birth again. This is cheesy, but I thought that giving birth was very spiritual.
I could definitely do without the crazy dreams. They are so intense and real that I wake up with my heart racing and I have to lie there and calm myself down, not fun. Hopefully I'll be able to find out what I'm having next week, but it's not for sure because I have no idea where we will be living.
Me at 20 weeks:

Me at 20 weeks, not sucking in:
These fetus pictures are starting to look very similar. I think I will start posting them monthly instead of weekly, if anyone even reads this blog or cares.
20 Weeks Pregnant

Brace yourself -- your little Don King is busily growing a head of hair this week! In no time at all, you'll be investing in AquaNet to keep those curls coiffed. He’s also twisting, kicking and punching increasingly often -- though at only 6" head to rump and 9 oz. in weight, you won’t be feeling the full weight of those fearsome fists for a little while yet. In fact, he's closer to a peony blossom than a boxer right now!
All this training will come in handy for the APGAR test he'll receive just minutes after he's born, at which time his weight will be more than eight times what it is now! His body is catching up to his oversized head, making everything appear more proportionate. That big brain is still hard at work though: because the nerves that connect his muscles to his brain are now fully operational, his brain consciously directs all his movements. He's still listening to the sounds your body makes, as well as the sound of your voice. Speak to him in soothing tones and play him music -- you'll get his synapses firing and when he's finally in your arms, the sound of your voice will already be recognizable to him.


Haley Wheatley said...

Congrats, you guys. I haven't blogged for ever so I had no idea. That is so exciting. That is exciting that you are moving to star valley. I think that is a nice little town! Good luck with everything.

Adam and Aubrey said...

ha ha ha ha! I love that you were sucking in in that first pic! HA HA! Oh man you bring me to tears! And holy wow. I cannot believe you are already 20 weeks. Really. And just fyi, I totally read this blog, and I totally care. I can't wait to find out what you're having! Let me know asap!

Ashlee said...

Thats one of my favorite part about being pregnant is that I don't have to suck in...let it go!!

case said...

I was going to say your so small in the first picture. Now the second one seems a little more accurate for a 20 week belly. Silly girl, who sucks in with a small child in their belly?