The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

22 Weeks

The final vote shows that 13 thought it was a boy and 8 thought it was a girl. Most of you are correct because we are having another boy!
I went to the doctor on Wednesday and the Ultrasound Tech on Thursday. I'm always amazed that they can tell what everything is and if it looks normal or not. I need to call the doctor on Monday after he looks at the ultrasound report and make sure everything looks good and that we are on schedule. I like my new doctor, but I could do without most of his staff. They all seemed a little incompetent! It was the same way with my doctor in IF. They were supposed to fax my records over before Wednesday, and they didn't. So, the doctor had no medical records of the first half of my pregnancy, so annoying! He asked me lots of questions and checked things out. His conclusion: I am "disgustingly healthy" and the baby seems like a champ as well.

Sleeping with his hands on his face.

Put up your dukes!

Face, torso, and arms.

His huge foot.

Face, torso, and arms.

This is the week your little scarecrow gets his wish granted -- his brain is in rapid-growth mode, ensuring he’ll achieve far more in life than the position of Chief Avian Averter.
He’s a lanky 11" this week, from the top of his head to the bottom of his perfectly formed feet. Don't forget though -- he's all scrunched up int here, making him appear to be just the length of a cucumber. He’s still very thin; much of his work over the rest of your pregnancy will be to bulk up. His reproductive system is intact. His still-colorless eyes are also completely developed and in an ultra-cute move, he’s starting to suck his thumb! If you have a stethoscope at home, you’ll be able to hear his heartbeat. This is a great way to get siblings invoved in your pregnancy, and to make the presence of a new baby a little more tangible to them.


Adam and Aubrey said...

YAY! I tell ya, we are wise, oh so wise. Our theory is soooooo awesome (not to mention right) The pictures look awesome! Love it!

Megan and Jon said...

I can never tell what ultrasounds are but these look like just what you said. YOu might have a future in this. How awesome is this blog going to be to print and have.