The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

24 Weeks

Wearing Gs has never bothered me, until pregnancy. Some of my tops are starting to come untucked in the front during the day and it drives me nuts. My bottoms are getting pretty tight as well. When I was pregnant with Xander I never wore maternity ones, but I'm considering it this time. What is all of your experiences with this subject?
I think I figured out why I can feel and see this baby move a lot more than last time. Last time my placenta was in front of the baby so there was a lot of extra cushioning there, this time it's not. I can already see little body parts poking out in my belly. I don't know what they are, but it's kind of fun to see and feel them.
Xander and I went through our smallest baby clothes tote this morning. I definitely don't feel like I have everything I'm going to need, and a lot of the stuff is out of style. I am so sick of baby blue already because that's what everything is! I'm excited to buy a few new things for the summer, but not excited to spend money on them. So, if anyone finds any screaming deals, please let me know.

24 Weeks Pregnant

REM is not just an alt-rock band from Athens, Ga., it’s also something your little rocker is doing this week. Because his sleep cycles are set, he’s finally experiencing rapid eye movement. He is about the size of a cantaloupe this week, and just as sweet.

He’s also hard at work filling out that skin of his, and is looking less like Iggy Pop every day. His inner ear is fairly well developed, so even though he might not know what it means, he’ll be able to sense when he’s upside down or on his side.

Not to be left out of the loop, his marrow is busy producing white blood cells which will enable him to combat infections and disease later on. And, over the next weeks, he’ll be adding blood vessels to his lungs in preparation for oxygenating his blood supply and not, as you may come to believe, to increase the decibel level of his crying.


Adam and Aubrey said...

Honestly, I think nursing garments are the WORST. I didn't wear mine. I'd just pull my regulars down. But the maternity ones? I switched them. Like, I wore the maternity top, and my regular bottoms. The bottoms were not my favorite, but the tops were so big and flowy too! And then the regular top with the (ever so sexy) maternity bottoms. Yikes. But that is so fun to see the body parts trying to break free from your tiny belly! ha ha! FUN!

Katie Jane said...

I am ready for a belly shot!!! Please!!

Adam and Aubrey said...

ha ha! Glad I finally made the list! (for real)

Brynne said...

i am with aubrey. the maternity tops are so awesome! the bottoms are not. even if you did like the big band thing that is supposed to come over your belly, it doesnt matter cuz it never stays up. at least on me it never stayed up. so i just used my normal bottoms. and you will do just fine with 2. i know it is overwhelming, but trust your self and it's amazing how natural it will come to you. gosh i feel like a fortune cookie paper.