The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Friday, February 20, 2009

26 Weeks

I was waiting to hear back on my test results before posting for this week, but still no word. I called and talked to the nurse yesterday and she said that there were some irregularities or something with my levels and something didn't seem right, so they sent the blood work to another lab to be analyzed. She said that she couldn't get a hold of that lab for the results and she would call me back when she found out. I still haven't heard back. Now I have to wait until next Wednesday when my doctor is down here again before I can find out if I'm poisoning myself and my baby with inappropriate amounts of sugar. I'm a little frustrated to say the least. However, my bruise is healing nicley. It is now a beautiful shade of spring green with a sprinkling of buttercup yellow around the edges, just beautiful!
I kind of had a bit of a scare this morning. I was laying in bed trying to drag myself to life when I realized I hadn't felt the baby kick all morning. This is pretty unusual for my unborn fetus because he is usually going crazy in the morning. I get in the shower, eat breakfast, and pick up the house a little. All the while, worse case scenarios are going through my head, especially because I helped Brandon stack some wood last night, and before you know it, I'm in tears. I call Brandon to let him know what is going on and then I call my doctor. While I'm on hold my little guy decided to come to life. It was such a huge relief to feel those jabs and kicks! I know I overreacted a little, but we tried so long to get this baby that I just couldn't stand the thought of anything going wrong and me not trying to do something about it. Just for the record I didn't overdo it by stacking the wood. I didn't over-exert myself in any way. Brandon and Alisha made sure that I only lifted the small ones.
On a lighter note, I'm expecting the first set of many stretchmarks any day now. My skin is getting pretty tight and my belly button is stretched wide open. I kind of wish that I had the type of belly button that poked out during pregnancy. That way I wouldn't have a large dent in the middle of the stomach that shows in anything I wear. I know that outies show too, but at least I could put a bandaid on it or something and have a nice spherical shape. I don't really mind stretch marks that much. I already have tons from my last pregnancy, so what's a few more? Besides, no one ever sees them. The only gripe I have is when they start to itch, I hate being itchy!
The website that I get my development info from is down, so I'll post it when it is up and running again.

Your two-pound dreamer’s eyelashes are growing in this week and her eyelids are no longer fused shut, which means she’ll be batting those lashes at Daddy in no time at all. She’s also in heavy training for her season-ending dance with Johnny Castle as she moves in rhythm to the music with which you’ve been tickling her ears.

Most people think the utuerus is a quiet place, well insulated from noise. The truth is, your sweet babe has been surrounded by sound since the moment she was conceived: blood whooshing by, your thudding heartbeat and a cacophony of other body functions.

Even though her skin is losing its transparency, those tiny veins are still visible. Her brain continues to develop tissue and neurons at a record pace, which will continue until she's almost 8 years old! Her oil and sweat glands are fully functional (although, we all know she doesn't sweat, she glistens).

With your baby so active, you are probably feeling those kicks on a regular basis. If you are curious to know if your baby is moving as much as she should be, do a fetal kick count every day. Your doctor will tell you when you should begin tracking those tiny kicks and jabs (usually in your 28th week). Here's how to do a fetal kick count:

1. Pick a time of day when your little imp is usually active.

2. Gather a watch, pen and piece of paper.

3. Over a 30-minute period, make a note each time your baby moves.

4. If the little one moves 10 or more times before the time limit, you are done for the day!

5. If you have fewer than 10 movements in the initial 30 minutes, continue for another 30 minutes, but lay down on your left side. Eat a little something as well.

6. If you still don't feel 10 or more movements within two hours, call your doctor. There may be nothing wrong at all -- perhaps just a sleepy baby -- but that reassurance is worth the call!


Ashley said...

Sorry that you are having to wait to figure things out! That's so frustrating! So, I'm with ya on the stretchmark issue. I have a million so what's a few more? Also, my stomach itched so bad with Coop. This time it hasn't so I figure it had already done most of the stretching. Hopefully that's the same case with you!

Adam and Aubrey said...

UGH! That office is slightly lazy and/or handicapped! What is with them?! I think it would be KINDA important for you to know the results. I would be terrified if I hadn't felt the baby too. I don't think you overreacted at all. Really. Just take it easy. Stretchmarks suck. Mine aren't that bad, they're pretty light and fine, but I will be bawling my eyeballs out if I get major ones with this one. I don't really know why though. Not like this old bod can rock a bikini. Maybe when I own my own private island. . .

Laurie said...

Small town Dr's, don't you just love them. I'm glad the little one decided to let you know he was still there. I remember doing the same thing, not feeling the baby move for awhile is a scare. I even called my aunt Merlyn once and went up to her house because she was a nurse and had her put a monitor on me so we could hear the heart beat, so I could calm down.
Sorry about the stretch marks. I don't know about you and Alisha. I had a few but not like you and her.