The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

34 Weeks

I'm a little freaked out because Melissa had her baby yesterday. I bet you are wondering why that would freak me out. It's because I am now at the top of my Baby Bump list, yikes! I guess I'm next in line.
I went to my check-up today, and I was surprised that my doctor was actually there! The only thing that happened that kind of annoyed me is when the nurse took me back to the room, she hadn't cleaned it up yet, so I had to wait while she did that. The Easter weekend kind of screwed me over, so I ended up gaining 3 lbs. in 2 weeks. I just need the snow to melt so that I can get outside and be more active. My doctor looked over my glucose test and said that everything was okay. My levels were still borderline, so he drilled into me that I needed to follow my ADA diet religiously. From here on out is when I can't let my sugar get out of control. I guess it's time for Brandon to hide the Easter candy so that I can't indulge. At my next appointment in two weeks he will do an ultrasound to make sure that the baby is not getting too big. If he is getting too big then he will induce me at 38 weeks. The reason for this is it reduces the risk of having problems getting the baby out with no complications and makes it less likely that I will need a C-Section. He is head down, so that's a big relief. I asked him about what he would recommend about where to deliver. He said that he would rather that I deliver in Afton, especially if I'm going to be induced. He said that they have a brand new awesome OR if I need a C-Section and he lives at the hospital from Wednesday morning until Thursday night, so he would for sure be there if I was induced. I still don't know what to do!
Brandon has now decided that he better think about getting the crib set up. We didn't want to buy a new mattress for the crib, so we are moving Xander from the toddler bed to a lower bunk bed. We got some bunk beds from our old neighbors, they just need to be sanded and either painted or refinished. I'm excited to get some new bedding for him. I think I found one that I'm going to get, and it matches the quilt that my mom is making for baby Frank.
I've had to quit wearing my wedding ring, but I can still wear my bands. It's not that big of a deal because I only wear my ring when I go somewhere, but when I'm out and about my hands have started swell. My feet have started to swell as well and my shoes feel tight. I guess I'll just have to spend some more time on the couch with my feet elevated, darn it!
I've really been into this show lately. It's called "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant". I don't understand the women in this show at all. I can understand how you cannot know for a few months, but to go full term and have no idea that there is life growing inside of you is crazy. I really don't understand the women in this series who have had previous babies, or the ones who didn't know that they were pregnant with twins. These women have a serious case of denial which I think is brought on by not wanting to quit drinking or smoking, not wanting to pay for prenatal care, and expecting to get free stuff for their stupidity.

Pregnancy, labor and delivery are a maternal marathon, to say the least. But don’t think you’re the only one doing the work. This week the tiny athlete inside you is gearing up for “go” and settling into position for labor.

His little organs are fully developed, but he hasn’t reached Carl Lewis condition -- his lungs aren’t ready for the real world yet. He’ll have to cool his heels in the starting blocks for a little longer, which is a good thing if the nursery still isn’t ready!


Adam and Aubrey said...

Give me a BREAK. Like those chicks didn't know they were pregnant. That's lame. I really don't buy it. Sell that story to someone else. (does anyone else notice, they're all kinda larger women?) Anywho. I noticed Melissa had her baby, and I thought of you! Are you ready?! How do you feel about Afton? Not sure I'd want to go that route, but I've never really been there, so who knows. Ya know? And I think gaining only 3 pounds isn't bad. I gained that last night.

Ashlee said...

I was induced with Karra and it was nice. There is no waiting game you just know when it is and you show up and have a baby! I would choose that one. That way you can have someone be there for Xander and things will go smooth. Good luck. Send all your candy our way!