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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

36 Weeks

On Monday I went and got my glucose tested. I had to wait two hours in between the draws, which my doctor failed to tell me. Luckily Xander was really good. I had an appointment today with my doctor. They were doing an ultrasound today, so Brandon took half a day off and came with us. We got there and waited half an hour. Finally the nurse came out and said that they have a new system and she didn't know I was there and they weren't quite ready for me yet. So we waited another 20 minutes and then were taken back. We waited another 20 minutes in the room for the doctor and were finally able to be seen. Both Brandon and I were pretty annoyed. He now sees why they frustrate me so much. He made sure he was still head down and measured me. I didn't gain any weight this time, which doesn't make sense because I am definitely getting bigger. My test results came back good, so my sugars are under control. We did the ultrasound and all his measurements said that he was in the 6 lb. range, which is normal for my gestation. So, he is not going to start me in two weeks. I'm a little disappointed, but I think it will be good to just go on my own when the baby is ready instead of smoking him out. Next week I am going to see the Family Practitioner that my doctor recommended in case he's not there when I go into labor. He will check me next week and I can get to know him. There are no Pediatricians in the area, so he would do that as well. The week after that I will meet with my doctor again and he will check to see if I'm ready to be induced or not.

Xander thought that he needed to pose in this picture with me, and yes it is snowing outside!

We got the crib set up last night and started painting Xander's bed tonight. We just have to finish Xander's bed and then we will be able to put the crib mattress in the crib and we will be all set, except for the absence of a baby.

I have not been sleeping at all lately. As soon as I lie down, he goes crazy and I can't fall asleep. When I finally do fall asleep, I keep waking up to roll over, which is no easy task. My hips are so stiff and sore in the morning that I can barely get out of bed. So, I am pretty miserable to try and live with these days.

It’s week 36 and it seems as though Baby has developed in the merest blink of an eye -- and this week, that’s what he’s doing: blinking! He’s practicing, just as he has been practicing swallowing and breathing.

Your little genius is also well on his way to achieving that telethon-worthy goal of 100 billion neurons as his brain continues its rapid development.

And proving he's more than just all brains, he's quite the looker. He’s finally plump enough to be officially out of raisin stage -- he even has little dimples on his elbows!


Adam and Aubrey said...

Oh. My. Gosh. You are soooo close! Holy moly! I can't believe it! 4 weeks left, and who knows if you even have that long! I'm so impressed with your weight gain. I wish I had it in me to be as controlled with my eating as you have been. I think you are amazing. I cannot wait to see this little guy! And I'm glad Brandon got to see how incompetent your dr's office is, it's out of control!

The Perkins Family said...

I can't believe how snowy it looks in the picture of you and Xander by the window. I'm glad everything is alright. I was kind of hoping for only a couple more weeks, but definitely better this way. You look great! That bits about the waiting time. Not fun.

Ashlee said...

Glad everything is going well. I mean as well as they can. I was going to leave a comment and tell you that it was time for a picture but you beat me to it. I think you look great. I know you don't feel that way but you do!