The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Still Waiting

Cassie came up this morning to watch Xander while we went to my Dr.'s appointment. The baby hasn't dropped yet, so he's not putting any pressure on me to dilate and I am at 0 centimeters, 0% effaced, and his head is just bobbing around in there. He didn't want to induce me at this point because then I still have a 50% chance of needing a C-Section. So, he sent us home disappointed. I'm upset because Cassie came up to watch Xander and then just turned around and went home. I got myself so worked up and stressed out about having the baby today that I was up all night and felt sick all morning. I guess I need to go for some serious walks and just let things happen like they are supposed to. I have another appointment next week and he will check my progress and then decide what to do from there. He said that the baby is big, but too big at this point, so I don't need to worry about that. At least I lost a pound this week, so he's not getting too out of control in there. If anyone has any ideas for me, let me know. I'm sorry to anyone that we inconvenienced.

Your little starlet is making final preparations for her curtain call this week. She’s shed her downy lanugo and the vernix caseosa that has coated her for the past few months is starting to slough off. There isn’t much room at all for this wee Rockette to perfect her high kicks, but you’ll still feel those dance moves from time to time. And that’s about all she’s doing this week, besides continuing to plump up a bit, creating those oh-so-kissable cheeks that we all love!


Adam and Aubrey said...

MEGAN DANG BUCK! You don't inconvenience! This is a baby we're talking about! Sheesh! You poor thing. It's time to get selfish and think of nobody else except yourself and how we (we meaning you) can get dilated! Try sex and walking. That's what I did with Kona. I think semen thins out the cervix or something. Okay, I'm no scientist, but I swear it worked for us. And I guess just walk like crazy. Maybe you should walk here this weekend. . .

case said...

RELAX! He'll come before you know it! I had an almost 9 pounder on my first! You can do it. I have total faith in you.

Daryl and Ashley said...

How frustrating. Hang in there.