The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

15 Weeks

I haven't had any weird cravings, until now. I seriously can't get enough of gas station nachos. Just thinking about them right now, at 9:00 in the morning, makes me want to run and get some. All of the gas stations here close at 9:00. The other night I wanted them so badly that I almost drove 20 minutes to the nearest Maverick. I turned around quickly because I knew that Brandon would make fun of me.
I may have felt some movements this last week, but I'm not sure. It's still early, so I'm not looking for them. I'll have to pay better attention so that I don't miss those first movements.
The heartburn is just beginning. When I lay in bed at night I can feel my dinner at the top of my throat. When I was pregnant with Xander, my heartburn was unbearable. I couldn't lay down at all after eating and I had to prop myself up at night to get some relief. There's an old wives tale that says that the worse the heartburn, the more hair your baby will have. That was very true last time. I hope it picks up so that I won't have a bald baby!
15 Weeks Pregnant

Your little bean is actually now a large pear -- she’s about 4" long and weighs 2.5 ounces. Her legs are finally longer than her arms and all her joints are functional.

She's increasingly active and you might actually start to feel the first little flutters of her movement. Don't be disappointed if you aren't feeling anything yet though; the first movements are notoriously hard to detect.

Her skeleton is hardening up (in preparation for those reckless skate park stunts) and she’s ditching the Whoopi look by growing in her eyebrows. Her heart continues to work hard, pumping up to 25 quarts of blood through her body each day. The lanugo we discussed in Week 13 is now covering her body and will likely remain there until you are close to full term. Hair patterns are starting to form ... and if you're having a boy, we won't divulge the family history of baldness if you don't!


Daryl and Ashley said...

Congratulations! I am happy for you! I hope you start to feel a little better!

Adam and Aubrey said...

I think the heartburn=hair thing is pretty true. Kona was a baldy. Not completely. But not a whole lot there. Same as now. I say bring on the heartburn! But I hope it's not horrible!

Ashlee said...

Yeah yeah yeah I am jumping up and down for you!!! So SO excited !!! Cute blog!

Carrie said...

That's so awesome!! I am so glad you made a blog for your little baby. . .it's so fun to keep up on your progress. I can't believe you kept such a big secret- we did that and it was so fun. You are already in your second trimester, it's going to go by so fast(for us anyway).I can't wait to know what your having. . .when do you find out? Congrats!

Diana said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you!

Jill said...

I also get terrible heart burn, Allie had no hair and Dallin had lots.