The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

17 Weeks

I had my third doctor's appointment today. They just checked the heartbeat again and asked if I had any questions. Now that we're moving, I'm not sure what to do about a doctor. I would have to drive 2 hours to see my current one, or go to one in our new area, but it probably would only be a family doctor.
I've been cleaning stuff out and getting ready to move, it sure does drain me fast. I seem to rest longer than I work. I don't know how I'm going to get everything done.
The other day we were getting recommend interviews done at the church. Xander was talking to another woman who was waiting. I heard him say to her "What you got in your belly? You got a baby in there?" I don't think she understood all of what he said, and she was rail thin, so I know she wasn't offended. When we got home we had to have a talk about not asking other ladies about babies because it might make them sad. I hope he doesn't do it again.
I haven't had an appetite lately. I think that is why I only gained 2 pounds this month.
17 Weeks Pregnant
By this time, the wee bantling’s ear bones and nerve endings have formed -- so while he can’t hear in the way we can, he can respond reflexively to sound. If you play music or talk to him, he may turn towards you or shake a leg to acknowledge that tune. A particularly loud noise might even startle him! He’s also rapidly developing his baby fat, which will help insulate him in the womb and regulate his body temperature after birth. By the time you are full term, his baby fat will account for up to 6% of his total body weight. He's still tiny though -- at just 4¾" long, he's about the size of the daylilies in your flower beds.

1 comment:

The Perkins Family said...

Don't overdue. I don't even know what to tell you about a doctor. I'll ask my young womens pres. who her daughters doctor is. She lives over there and just had a baby.