The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Doctor, Doctor Give me the News!!

I called and talked to the nurse today and told her that the Dr. never called me back yesterday. She said he was making rounds in the hospital today, but she would call his cell and get back to me. She just called and said that she got a hold of him and he wants to see me to go over my results next week. She said that I don't have to redo the test and he just wants to discuss some stuff with me. I asked if that meant that I had Gestational Diabetes and she said no. So, as far as I know, I'm in the clear!

Later this afternoon:
I just got a message from my doctor. Turns out that the nurse didn't know what she was talking about. My glucose levels were borderline, so I do have GD. I now have to stay away from all refined sugars. Next week he will go over stuff with me and put me on a new diet. I will have to check my blood sugar regularly to make sure it's not too high. This is really going to suck because what am I supposed to eat? Everything has sugar in it! I guess I don't have to worry about having a tiny baby, since GD babies are normally above average in size.


Adam and Aubrey said...

Oh man. That blows. At least it's not bad enough you have to do shots. But I think changing my diet is probably equally as painful. Good luck. I want to know what the dr says you can eat. I'm so scared I'll get it.

Ashley said...

Okay, so my biggest thing was timing. I space out foods instead of eating them all at once...(I still ate sugar....just not that much). That's probably not a good thing to say. Also, portion control. I still ate what I wanted, but you have to watch carbs. Once you start testing your sugar, if there is a certain meal where you are usually high, ask him to put you on a low-dose insulin pill. That's what I did at dinner. That helped quite a bit. So, I wasn't that great with my diet and Ryker was 7 lb 15 oz at 38 weeks. Not huge, but not tiny. Good luck. If you have any questions, let me know!!

Ben said...

Buck! So good to hear from you, bro! Congrats on the baby on the way. Good luck--and be in touch!