The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

37 Weeks

I went and saw the family doctor today. He was really nice and made sure that all of my medical history was reviewed and that all of my questions were answered. He explained, in great detail, how a spinal epidural works. I'd rather just know that it does work, and not how. He didn't check my progress because I haven't felt any painful contractions. I finally gained a few pounds this week, which makes me fell a little better that he is actually growing. my blood pressure is good and there was no sugar in my urine, so that's good. I had him look at Xander's finger that is still infected while we were there. He wrote him an antibiotic prescription and asked if he was allergic to any antibiotics. I said I didn't know because he has never been on antibiotics. He couldn't believe that he is three and a half and never been on antibiotics. I guess being pro-germ and never going anywhere has made him pretty hardy when it comes to diseases.

I'm pretty grateful this week that I have a strict diet to follow. Last Thursday we had a busy day, so I didn't eat very well. By the end of the day I was really feeling horrible. I was nauseous, had a headache, and the worst heartburn of my life. I'm pretty thankful that the doctor put me on this diet because I can't imagine feeling like that for months, because I never would have thought to cut sugar out of my diet. I have been super hormonal latley, especially since they added a Pediatric Surgeon to "Grey's Anatomy". I hate how the littlest things make me burst into tears, and it's only going to get worse. I have been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions this week. I used to just get them when I walked a lot or went up and down stairs. I now get them pretty often all day long. They don't necessarily hurt, but they are uncomfortable and make it hard to relax and breath. Maybe this means that the real thing is going to start soon, I'm not ready!

We still haven't decided on a name, but I appreciate everyone voting on our poll. I read this article today on Yahoo. It talked about the most popular names for 2008. Here are a few of the stats:
Barack and Miley move up, but the classics still rule. Emma is the top baby name for girls, Jacob for boys. Emma's surge to the top in 2008 ended Emily's 12-year reign as the No. 1 baby name for girls, the Social Security Administration announced Friday.

Jacob held onto the boy's crown for the 10th straight year.

Barack may have been the man of the year in 2008 as Obama won the White House, but the president still trails the king. Barack moved up a record 10,126 places to No. 2,409. Elvis is still in the building, though he slipped from 673 to 713.
Emma debuted in the top 10 in 2002, the same year that Jennifer Aniston's character on "Friends" gave the name to her TV show baby. In the latest lineup, Emma was followed by Isabella, Emily, Madison and Ava.
Miley, as in popular teen singer Miley Cyrus, moved up 152 spots to No. 127. But her stage name, Hannah — as in Hannah Montana — fell from No. 9 to No. 17.
The top five boys names remained unchanged from 2007. Jacob was followed by Michael, Ethan, Joshua and Daniel. Alexander joined the top 10 at No. 6 while Andrew dropped out.
New girl names in the national top 1,000 included Isla (623), Mareli (718), Milagros (731), Dayami (750) and Nylah (821).
Debuting among the boys were Aaden (343), Chace (655), Marley (764), Kash (779) and Kymani (836). Beckham debuted at 893, perhaps a nod to the British soccer star, David Beckham, who now plays for the Los Angeles Galaxy.
Thank goodness we are not Democrats, because I'm sure Brandon would be pushing for Barack, and it just does not go with Buck.

Your little athlete is full term -- he has opted to stay and mature instead of bolting for the big leagues. He’s still tiny though; at only 6.5 lbs, he's no linebacker. But he’ll bulk up quickly! Expect him to gain about a half an ounce each day until he is born. Even though he’s still growing, he has probably already settled into the position he’ll be in at birth. And he’s also producing the cortisone that will help him to breathe once he enters our world; even though he’s full term, he’s still doing some every important work!


Adam and Aubrey said...

I wish I looked like you. I covet your cute belly. For REAL. Jerk. I really think I should try and do your diet, I'm so impressed with you. Your family dr's office seems a lot more competent than the other dr's office. Or is it the same office?

And I'm with you on the epidural thing. I don't want details, I want results! ha ha!

Ashlee said...

You are all baby!! I love that my kids have such different names. They will never be at the top of any list. Good luck with picking one.