The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
If you would like an invitation to our family blog, just leave me a comment and two proofs of ID and I'll send you one!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

17 Weeks

I had my third doctor's appointment today. They just checked the heartbeat again and asked if I had any questions. Now that we're moving, I'm not sure what to do about a doctor. I would have to drive 2 hours to see my current one, or go to one in our new area, but it probably would only be a family doctor.
I've been cleaning stuff out and getting ready to move, it sure does drain me fast. I seem to rest longer than I work. I don't know how I'm going to get everything done.
The other day we were getting recommend interviews done at the church. Xander was talking to another woman who was waiting. I heard him say to her "What you got in your belly? You got a baby in there?" I don't think she understood all of what he said, and she was rail thin, so I know she wasn't offended. When we got home we had to have a talk about not asking other ladies about babies because it might make them sad. I hope he doesn't do it again.
I haven't had an appetite lately. I think that is why I only gained 2 pounds this month.
17 Weeks Pregnant
By this time, the wee bantling’s ear bones and nerve endings have formed -- so while he can’t hear in the way we can, he can respond reflexively to sound. If you play music or talk to him, he may turn towards you or shake a leg to acknowledge that tune. A particularly loud noise might even startle him! He’s also rapidly developing his baby fat, which will help insulate him in the womb and regulate his body temperature after birth. By the time you are full term, his baby fat will account for up to 6% of his total body weight. He's still tiny though -- at just 4¾" long, he's about the size of the daylilies in your flower beds.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

16 Weeks

Not much has changed this week. Last week I had a headache for about three days and my congestion has gotten worse. Most of my pants are very uncomfortable to wear, so I guess it's maternity pants for Christmas for me, blah!

I know that my nails don't look like much, but they are extremely long to me. I've always bitten my nails and they are always very short. Since my vitamins make them grow faster, I decided to try and grow them out. They would do a lot better if I could leave them alone. I'm constantly playing with them and they break off.
16 Weeks Pregnant
Our little Lady Godiva may lay it all out for you this week: if you get lucky with positioning, you’ll be able to see that she is a girl on your ultrasound! Granted, she’s nowhere near the size of the lady herself, but she has grown a whopping two inches in the past three weeks. She's roughly 4½" right now, about the size of a grapefruit. She has also grown more proportionate and less top-heavy -- her limbs have lengthened and her head doesn’t seem quite so huge in comparison. Her totally adorable little nose is now fully formed and she even has tastebuds (soon to be used for copious truffle consumption, natch).

Lots of parents choose to find out the baby's gender. For some, it reduces anxiety about being prepared and having everything perfectly in place. Now you'll be able to settle on a monogram, jungle theme versus Eloise and, of course, the name game is on. The name is something all parents agonize over. Do you name after a family member? What if you hate all those names? What if you name after one brother but not the other? What if you and your partner can't agree on a name? With all these questions to answer, it may be a good thing that you have another 24 weeks to decide!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Exercise During Pregnancy?

I just got done watching the news and there was an interesting story about a new study dealing with exercise and pregnancy. The study found that women who exercise 7 hours or more a week (an hour a day) are 78% more likely to develop pre-eclampsia(sp?). This life threatening complication is one of the most common in pregnant women and one of the most worrisome to doctors. The recommended amount of exercise is 1/2 hour a day and if you can't carry on a conversation while you exercise, you are pushing it too hard. One of the best ways to exercise while pregnant is swimming. I consider my daily routines to be enough exercise for me. Even some daily chores can be too much for me and I immediately feel it. So, to all of you pregos out there, take it a little easy.

First Movements

Last night I couldn't sleep, thanks to someone snoring. I was working on our Christmas card when I for sure felt the baby move. It felt like popcorn popping in my stomach. I felt it a lot sooner than I thought, about 6 weeks earlier than with Xander. I love moments like that because it reminds me that there is actually life growing in there. I can't wait until it's big enough for Brandon to feel moving!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

15 Weeks

I haven't had any weird cravings, until now. I seriously can't get enough of gas station nachos. Just thinking about them right now, at 9:00 in the morning, makes me want to run and get some. All of the gas stations here close at 9:00. The other night I wanted them so badly that I almost drove 20 minutes to the nearest Maverick. I turned around quickly because I knew that Brandon would make fun of me.
I may have felt some movements this last week, but I'm not sure. It's still early, so I'm not looking for them. I'll have to pay better attention so that I don't miss those first movements.
The heartburn is just beginning. When I lay in bed at night I can feel my dinner at the top of my throat. When I was pregnant with Xander, my heartburn was unbearable. I couldn't lay down at all after eating and I had to prop myself up at night to get some relief. There's an old wives tale that says that the worse the heartburn, the more hair your baby will have. That was very true last time. I hope it picks up so that I won't have a bald baby!
15 Weeks Pregnant

Your little bean is actually now a large pear -- she’s about 4" long and weighs 2.5 ounces. Her legs are finally longer than her arms and all her joints are functional.

She's increasingly active and you might actually start to feel the first little flutters of her movement. Don't be disappointed if you aren't feeling anything yet though; the first movements are notoriously hard to detect.

Her skeleton is hardening up (in preparation for those reckless skate park stunts) and she’s ditching the Whoopi look by growing in her eyebrows. Her heart continues to work hard, pumping up to 25 quarts of blood through her body each day. The lanugo we discussed in Week 13 is now covering her body and will likely remain there until you are close to full term. Hair patterns are starting to form ... and if you're having a boy, we won't divulge the family history of baldness if you don't!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

14 Weeks

I know I'm a day early, but we are leaving for Thanksgiving tomorrow and I don't know if I'll have time to update. I don't know why it matters because no one has access to this blog yet. I'm still feeling yucky most of the time and easily gag. I'm starting to think that maybe I'll be sick during the whole pregnancy. It's hard because I really want to be healthy and eat well, but most healthy stuff makes me gag. It's a good thing I can still take my vitamins. Brandon says it's all in my head, he's probably right.
Even though my face and hair are super greasy, the rest of my skin is shedding a layer a day. I don't wear black because I'm afraid of evidence showing on my clothes. It's starting to crack and itch, which is hard for me to resist. I need to get some mineral oil for in the shower and start using Xander's steroid ointment (I got the doctor's okay on that).
I bought my first maternity shirt last week. I needed something new to wear to Thanksgiving and all the regular shirts made me look fat instead of pregnant. It's really cute and comfy and I'm excited to wear more maternity clothes as the baby, and I, grow.
14 Weeks Pregnant

Break out the dactyloscope -- your sweet sprite finally has fingerprints! His arches, loops and whorls are just one of the many ways in which he will establish himself as a completely unique being. And, he’s increasingly responsive to external stimuli: if you poke your belly, he’ll wriggle away!

He’s also starting to practice his breathing, learning the inhalation and exhalation movements. You probably won't be able to feel all that moving around, though. At just 3.5", he's just barely as big as a peach -- so he still has lots of room to stretch out, or swim around as the mood strikes him.

Even though his eyelids remain fused shut, Baby is able to move his eyes around, and can finally make a fist. His neck is lengthening and his chin no longer rests on his chest.

Cute Alert!Your little mime is making faces now: he might alternately grimace, squint and frown!

The placenta is still Baby's source of nourishment, so remember that when making your food and drink choices. In the next few weeks, his tiny bones will start to ossify, or harden, so it's still very important to take your prenatal vitamins and folic acid. You will be scheduled for an ultrasound in the next couple of weeks and at this appointment, you should be able to find out if you are having a boy or a girl. If you don't want to know the baby's gender until you deliver, let every doctor and technician you come across know to keep it a secret!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

2nd Doctor's Appointment

I had my second appointment today. It was a very short visit. I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. The baby was hiding behind a big muscle, I think she meant a big layer of fat. Every time she found it, the baby would move. But, I did hear it for a few minutes. The heart rate was 160, which I think is a little above average, it's definitely a boy. I asked a few questions and that was it. We don't get to have an ultrasound next time, so I have to wait until the middle of January! She said we could try next month, but we may not be able to tell for sure what it is. I wanted to know before Christmas, but I think this way we will have something to look forward to after Christmas and it will make the time go by faster. Besides, I'm 90% sure that it's a boy, and I'm always right!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

13 Weeks

I've had a nasty cold this week, so I'm even more stuffed up than normal. I think that's why I've been so tired because I can't sleep at night because I can't breathe. Now that I'm in my 2nd trimester I'm feeling much better. I still get a little nauseous and nothing sounds good to eat, but I'm doing better. I'm getting sick of the weird dreams. That's one bad thing about blogging, I dream about people from High School against my will. My sister just had a baby and when I went to see them it made it more real that I'm actually pregnant. I'm getting excited to hold our little one in my arms so fresh from heaven that he/she still smells like it.
13 Weeks Pregnant

Though it will be a while before you hear them, little Pavoratti's vocal cords are already developing, preparing to belt out that first anthem of childhood: the healthy wailing that accompanies him into the world.

His cozy home in the amniotic sac continues to expand along with him -- he’s a whopping 3” in length at this point, which is about the size of a large lemon. He’ll start to develop a covering of fine hairs known as lanugo this week, and his senses of taste and smell are even further refined. Also being refined are the whorls and loops that make up that unique identifier we all have: fingerprints. His pancreas is functioning as well (which means he's secreting his own insulin), and he's even developed the villi in his intestines that will help him digest food.

And finally this week, his intestines will make the move into his abdominal cavity -- previously they lived in the umbilical cord as they waited for room in his abdomen. With all this work going on, make sure you continue to take your prenatal vitamins to keep your little one on the right path as he continues to grow!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

12 Weeks

Xander informed me the other day that the baby's name is Colter. I asked what its name will be if it's a girl and he said, "Anna, no Nana". He has been so good while I'm not feeling well. He just plays with his toys and watches cartoons. He'll come and get me if he needs to go potty or sometimes he'll bring his toys in on my bed and we'll play together. Brandon has also been so great. He never complains if the house is a mess or if he has to cook dinner for himself and Xander, thank goodness for corn dogs and chicken nuggets.
12 Weeks Pregnant

Nearing the end of her first three months, the Lilliputian inside you is now fully formed. She's still tiny, though -- at about 2.5" she's the length of an iPod Nano. Her job for the next six months is to strengthen all the systems the two of you have worked so hard to set in place. Brain configuration is nearly complete as her synapses start forming. The pituitary gland is starting to produce hormones: growth hormone, prolactin and more. Her heart is hard at work, pumping several quarts of blood through her body every day!

In addition, her kidneys are developed enough to start filtering liquid -- which means she's getting a head start on those dirty diapers. Her urine will actually become part of the amniotic fluid. She's starting to look more human now as well: her eyes have moved closer together on her face and her ears are nearing their final resting places on the sides of her head.All this development means she can now respond to external stimulation -- she may squint at a bright light, open and close her mouth or give you a show of jazz hands.

And one more thing: the genitalia have finally developed their distinguishing characteristics, so chances are good that at your next ultrasound appointment, you could find out what you are having!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

11 Weeks

The doctor put me on some serious vitamins when I went in. I addition to my two prenatal vitamins every night, I also have to take 3 Folic Acid and 1 Omega 3 Fatty Acid (Fish Oil). I've never had a problem taking a handful of pills in one swallow, but these pills are really big! I have to put the fish oil in the freezer so that they dissolve slower and don't make me as nauseous. They also have a lovely after taste.
I've decided that whoever came up with the term "pregnancy glow" was being very kind. I like to call it "pregnancy grease". I've never felt so greasy in my life. I feel like I need to wash my face and hair three times a day!
I suggested to Brandon the other night that we not find out what we are having. He said no. He would rather save money by being prepared right now. I don't think I would be able to not know anyways!
On Monday I got done throwing up and came out of the bathroom. I laid down on the couch and Xander walked over to me and said, "Mama, I real real sorry you sick". It was really cute.
11 Weeks Pregnant

This week the bambino splashes his way into the fishbowl -- at 1.5 inches he’s the size of a betta, that colorful fishbowl favorite. Your betta baby's transparent skin currently resembles Slim Goodbody's signature bodysuit. His skin will remain transparent until you are nearly full term. His fingers and toes have lost their amphibious characteristics and have separated into definite fingers and toes. And the feet that hold those tiny toes? They are small enough to fit on one of your fingernails! Little tooth buds are developing in his gums and in the next week or so, blood will start circulating through that tiny body. But the really cool part? Some of his senses are already developing, like touch and smell. In fact, from this point on, he’ll be really interested in touching his face and mouth as he learns to use those senses. In a move not unlike the Wizard of Oz pulling the curtain closed, your baby's eyelids have fused shut while the iris and other essential parts develop. Remember to keep taking your prenatal vitamins and folic acid -- they are essential to your tadpole's development!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

10 Weeks

We are so bad at keeping secrets! We told immediate family this week that we are having another baby. A few people were so excited that they actually cried, which made me cry of course. I'm extremely grateful to be blessed with two great families. They have been praying for this little baby along with us and I know that their faith, added to ours, made this miracle happen.
Our ward had Super Saturday last week. They had a holiday food cooking class. I was so sad that I was only able to sample a few things because it all looked so good! At least I didn't loose what I did eat! I think that staying healthy during pregnancy is so hard, especially for me. I wake up in the middle of the night almost every night starving to death! Of course I don't snack on an apple or carrot sticks, it's more like cupcakes, cookies, or ice cream. I'm going to be huge by the time May comes along!
10 Weeks Pregnant

Your sprout’s spurt continues this week -- finally, her weight is measurable! She’s a mere 4 grams (equivalent to just 4 paperclips!) and is the size of a pretty little strawberry. This week, her heart is strong enough for the beat to show up on a Doppler reading done by your doctor. Don’t panic if her heart sounds like it’s about to explode -- in utero, babies have a heart rate of about 140 beats per minute, compared to our 80 beats. Her brain is also moving like Greased Lightning: every minute it develops a quarter of a million new neurons. She'll be outpacing Einstein in no time at all! As if all that weren't enough, your baby's heart is now pumping blood throughout her body; if you're lucky enough to catch it, you might see the blood flow on your next ultrasound, since her skin is parchment-thin right now. With all this work going on, it's hard to believe she's still so tiny!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday I had my first doctor's appointment. I had an internal ultrasound done. I've never had one of those done, and I liked it more than the embarrassing stomach one. The ultrasound was so quick, and we only got one picture. They found an umbilical cyst, but the doctor said it shouldn't be anything to worry about. They will check it again at the next ultrasound at 20 weeks. Everything else looked good and I am right on schedule. The baby is an inch long and I got to see it move around and see its heartbeat.

Our little baby!!

Week 9

The pukes have finally started. Although, I've only made a deposit in the porcelain bank 3 times, it's still 3 times too many. I'm driving Brandon crazy with my worry all the time. If I'm not feeling sick, then I get worried that something is wrong. While I was in the bathroom Xander came in and was really interested in what I was doing. He stood by me and rubbed my back and asked lots of questions. The next time, he stood by me and mimicked me and then laughed. Later he told me that I spit all my yuckies out and then flushed them away. At least I can still entertain while I'm puking my guts out!
9 Weeks Pregnant
This week your little tadpole takes a giant step up the evolutionary ladder and loses that pesky tail. Moreover, he’s a healthy 1” this week -- around the size of a green olive. One other big change has occurred: if you had an ultrasound today, chances are good that you’d see your own little Chubby Checker bopping around in there, because he’s really starting to move. His kidneys are starting to function and his spinal cord has now grown the full length of his spine. As if that weren't enough, his intestines are migrating from the umbilical cord into his growing abdominal cavity.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 8

I finally started to feel sick last week. However, it is nothing compared to the constant wrenching like when I was pregnant with Xander. This pregnancy is completely different. I'm still starving all the time and have to eat to feel better. With Xander, I couldn't even think about eating anything or I would loose it! I do want to barf if I even think about the carrots that we canned, I'm gagging as I type. A couple of nights in a row I have woken up in the middle of the night feeling sick. I'm still kind of worried that something is wrong, but I hope that I am being spared morning sickness this time because of all that I went through to get pregnant. Maybe I've just grown up and toughened up and am now better at being pregnant. I can't wait to go to my appointment next week! Brandon informed me yesterday that he could tell that I was pregnant in my garments. Thankfully I am rarely seen in just my garments by people outside of my household. We want to keep this pregnancy a secret as long as possible!
8 Weeks Pregnant

Last week your little tootsie was a blueberry, this week it’s back to the legume family: baby is about ¾” long, or roughly the size of a pinto bean. Luckily, that’s where the resemblance ends. Your magic bean is growing eyelid folds and the nerve cells in his retinas are beginning to form. The heart is being embellished with aortic and pulmonary valves. Fingers and toes have progressed beyond bud stage and now are formed down to the first joint, although they are still webbed. And baby finally has a funny bone − you’ll have to wait a bit to test it out, though

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Week 7

I'm still not sick yet. I'm still really worried about the health of the baby and my health. When I was pregnant with Xander I lost 10 lbs. in the first trimester. If I'm not sick this time, I think I will gain more weight than I should. I started to feel some vertigo the other day.
7 Weeks Pregnant

This week, your little lentil leaps headlong into the fruit bowl, achieving coveted blueberry status. Thankfully, he or she is beginning to resemble a little person: Leg buds will appear and arm buds grow a bit longer and start to divide into segments, one for the hand and one for the arm. The baby also now has digital plates on hands and feet where fingers and toes will eventually develop. Thanks to these beginning limbs, the little guy is already moving around inside the amniotic sac which will be his home for the next eight months. Internal organ systems are also evolving at a steady pace: the baby’s teensy ticker already has its right and left chambers and the lungs have developed their primary bronchii. The pancreas is fully formed and ready to start working, as is the appendix. Last, but not least, baby’s intestines are taking shape, but instead of being located in the abdominal region, they are developing outside the body, in the umbilical cord!
Cute Alert! The wee one’s nose is starting to take shape. In no time you will be kissing it!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week 6

Baby’s brain gets its groove on during this time – literally. The neural groove closes and early brain chambers are forming, which means his central nervous system is well on its way. Other cool changes are taking place, too: his eyes are forming, heart contractions begin and limb buds appear. Junior still doesn’t look much like you – after all, he’s only the size of a ladybug. But his core systems are heating up at a rapid pace.
6 Weeks Pregnant

I told the Stake Camp Leaders that I was expecting and probably wouldn't be able to go to camp. They were excited for me. They are going to wait a few months to make sure that nothing happens to the baby, then they are going to call another assistant. She will assist me so that she knows what is going on and then she will take my place at camp.
I'm still not sick at all and that really worries me. I might call the doctor sometime to see if I should be worrying about this.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stupid Name

Today I was watching TV and B was playing with X in another room. X came running into the living room and said "Brewakiss". I had no idea what he said, so I asked B if he knew and he said he didn't. X went back in with B and then came running in again and said "Brewakiss". Then I heard Brandon say, "I think he's saying Brother Atticus". Nice try, B, but that name is not going to happen!

Week 5

I'm still not sick, that's not necessarily a good thing to me. I'm still not sleeping good or very tired. I'm sure that this will change soon. This baby has made me very flatulent this week, however.
I went to my first YW Camp meeting yesterday. The baby should be about 6 weeks old when we go to camp. I will still be nursing and I don't see how it is going to work for me to be gone for four days. I might have to tell the Camp Director that I'm expecting and see what she thinks that I should do.
5 Weeks Pregnant
Your baby remains miniscule this week -- in size, not importance, of course! The wee one is only the size of one of the sesame seeds on your morning bagel but even though he's tiny, he's hard at work developing vital organs. In fact, his heart has already begun to beat! He has the beginnings of a brain, as the neural tube enlarges into three parts. Be sure to keep taking your folic acid, as it will aid in the development of the little one's brain. The growth of the spine outpaces the rest of his body, giving the appearance of a little tail. Just like Pinocchio's tail, it will disappear in no time at all -- no Jiminy Cricket necessary

Sunday, September 21, 2008

23rd Times a Charm!

After 23 months of trying to get pregnant, it finally happened! I am due on May 27, 2009. This will be perfect timing because it's at the end of the school year, so I can have a 2.5 month break before starting babysitting C again. We tried to get pregnant with Xander for 7 months without success. After that, Brandon went to Washington DC for 2 months while I stayed at my parent's house and worked. I got pregnant 2 months after he got home. This time was very similar. I was put on birth control for 2 months so that I could de-stress, 2 months later I got pregnant. Coincidence, I think not! That just goes to show that Heavenly Father knows what is best for you, even if you don't agree.
I have been on several fertility medications since December. The funny thing is, I wasn't on anything when I got pregnant because my Dr's office called in my prescription too late for me to take it. We are so excited, but I'm very worried because so much could still go wrong. I can't wait until I get sick, because that will put my mind at ease a little. I knew I was pregnant before I took the test and I wanted to tell B in a fun and meaningful way. As we were canning carrots yesterday, I just looked at him and told him I was pretty sure I was pregnant. I decided that a big showy thing wouldn't matter to him, so I just told him. He didn't believe me, so we went and got a pregnancy test. B and X came into the bathroom as I was reading the results and we had a big family hug.
I know everyone wants to see the stick that I peed on! B is already pushing for the name Atticus, blagh! Last night when I was helping X with his prayers, I told him to say "Thank you my brother or sister". He was so used to saying "Please bless I can have a brother or sister.", so that's what he said. I had to rephrase it to "Thank you for the baby". He thinks it will be a sister.
My pants already feel tight and I feel very bloated. I've heard that every time you have a baby, you show earlier. My whole torso is very stiff and my skin is horrible. I haven't been sleeping very well. So far, those are my only symptoms, except for the grumpiness.
We are going to try to keep this secret from family until at least Christmas.
4 Weeks Pregnant

Even though Baby is just a bundle of cells right now, important changes are already taking place. The ectoderm is developing. (Not to be confused with ectoplasm - you aren’t growing a Slimer in there!) This means your child’s nervous system, skin and hair are all getting a start. And the other derms? Yep – they are beginning to coalesce as well. The endoderm will become Baby’s gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas and thyroid, while the mesoderm morphs into the skeleton, connective tissues, blood system, urogenital system and most muscles.