The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Friday, December 5, 2008

First Movements

Last night I couldn't sleep, thanks to someone snoring. I was working on our Christmas card when I for sure felt the baby move. It felt like popcorn popping in my stomach. I felt it a lot sooner than I thought, about 6 weeks earlier than with Xander. I love moments like that because it reminds me that there is actually life growing in there. I can't wait until it's big enough for Brandon to feel moving!


Adam and Aubrey said...

I was the worst mom and I swear I didn't feel Kona until I almost had him. Not really, but Brynne felt her baby so early and I still hadn't felt a blasted thing. And then he started using my ribs as monkey bars. Ahhhhh. Yay for movements! That just makes it so real!

The Parks Fam said...

I felt this baby move at almost 16 weeks..With Dax it was much later than that. I think with second babies most women tend to feel them move alot sooner! YAY! Isn't that the greatest feeling ever? I love it!

Jill said...

I remember feeling Dallin move sooner too. I think it's because you know what it feels like. I love Nachos. If we lived closer I would go with you!

Megan and Jon said...

This was my favorite part of pregnancy for sure. I love that feeling so much.