The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

16 Weeks

Not much has changed this week. Last week I had a headache for about three days and my congestion has gotten worse. Most of my pants are very uncomfortable to wear, so I guess it's maternity pants for Christmas for me, blah!

I know that my nails don't look like much, but they are extremely long to me. I've always bitten my nails and they are always very short. Since my vitamins make them grow faster, I decided to try and grow them out. They would do a lot better if I could leave them alone. I'm constantly playing with them and they break off.
16 Weeks Pregnant
Our little Lady Godiva may lay it all out for you this week: if you get lucky with positioning, you’ll be able to see that she is a girl on your ultrasound! Granted, she’s nowhere near the size of the lady herself, but she has grown a whopping two inches in the past three weeks. She's roughly 4½" right now, about the size of a grapefruit. She has also grown more proportionate and less top-heavy -- her limbs have lengthened and her head doesn’t seem quite so huge in comparison. Her totally adorable little nose is now fully formed and she even has tastebuds (soon to be used for copious truffle consumption, natch).

Lots of parents choose to find out the baby's gender. For some, it reduces anxiety about being prepared and having everything perfectly in place. Now you'll be able to settle on a monogram, jungle theme versus Eloise and, of course, the name game is on. The name is something all parents agonize over. Do you name after a family member? What if you hate all those names? What if you name after one brother but not the other? What if you and your partner can't agree on a name? With all these questions to answer, it may be a good thing that you have another 24 weeks to decide!


Adam and Aubrey said...

I know it may be early, but have you experienced any swelling yet? Good thing this is a winter (the majority anyway) pregnancy! My swelling didn't take over (not kidding about taking over) until my last 2 months. Yikes and ew to me! I am officially requesting a belly picture.

Alisha LeBaron said...

Congrats on baby #2! I guess I am a little behind, but just read the blog and wanted to officially congratulate you! That is so exciting!