The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008

23rd Times a Charm!

After 23 months of trying to get pregnant, it finally happened! I am due on May 27, 2009. This will be perfect timing because it's at the end of the school year, so I can have a 2.5 month break before starting babysitting C again. We tried to get pregnant with Xander for 7 months without success. After that, Brandon went to Washington DC for 2 months while I stayed at my parent's house and worked. I got pregnant 2 months after he got home. This time was very similar. I was put on birth control for 2 months so that I could de-stress, 2 months later I got pregnant. Coincidence, I think not! That just goes to show that Heavenly Father knows what is best for you, even if you don't agree.
I have been on several fertility medications since December. The funny thing is, I wasn't on anything when I got pregnant because my Dr's office called in my prescription too late for me to take it. We are so excited, but I'm very worried because so much could still go wrong. I can't wait until I get sick, because that will put my mind at ease a little. I knew I was pregnant before I took the test and I wanted to tell B in a fun and meaningful way. As we were canning carrots yesterday, I just looked at him and told him I was pretty sure I was pregnant. I decided that a big showy thing wouldn't matter to him, so I just told him. He didn't believe me, so we went and got a pregnancy test. B and X came into the bathroom as I was reading the results and we had a big family hug.
I know everyone wants to see the stick that I peed on! B is already pushing for the name Atticus, blagh! Last night when I was helping X with his prayers, I told him to say "Thank you my brother or sister". He was so used to saying "Please bless I can have a brother or sister.", so that's what he said. I had to rephrase it to "Thank you for the baby". He thinks it will be a sister.
My pants already feel tight and I feel very bloated. I've heard that every time you have a baby, you show earlier. My whole torso is very stiff and my skin is horrible. I haven't been sleeping very well. So far, those are my only symptoms, except for the grumpiness.
We are going to try to keep this secret from family until at least Christmas.
4 Weeks Pregnant

Even though Baby is just a bundle of cells right now, important changes are already taking place. The ectoderm is developing. (Not to be confused with ectoplasm - you aren’t growing a Slimer in there!) This means your child’s nervous system, skin and hair are all getting a start. And the other derms? Yep – they are beginning to coalesce as well. The endoderm will become Baby’s gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas and thyroid, while the mesoderm morphs into the skeleton, connective tissues, blood system, urogenital system and most muscles.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

I love that you took a picture of the stick I think its so funny!!! I love that you have taken the time to do this. YOu will love it later. There are a lot of things that I wish I would have done with my kids and still wish I would. Nice job.