The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

27 Weeks

Well, I am officially in the third trimester, bittersweet. I think that this baby is going to be out of control, the exact opposite of Xander. He doesn't move all day long, but when he does it's like a one man party going on in there. I love it! We still can't agree on any names. I'm debating on putting a poll on the blog about it, but I don't want anyone stealing our names. We still have 13 weeks, give or take, to decide.
I called the doctor this morning to get the results from my glucose test. I talked to the nurse and she was surprised that he never called me back last week. She said that he was down in L&D instead of the office and that she would leave him a note to call me first thing. She did say that I would probably have to redo my 3 hour test because my levels were weird, whatever that means. Of course, he never called me back. I remembered to call again at 5:00 and that's when they close. So, I will be calling first thing in the morning and I will probably not be very nice about it either. In the meantime I'm ignorantly enjoying my mint Oreos and pretending like everything is okay, because no one has told me any differently.
I had to remove Ashley and Brad from my "Baby Bump" list because they had their adorable little boy on Monday. So, there is an open slot available! I know there is someone out there that would love to come forward and claim it, you know who you are!

Your wee bantling suddenly isn’t quite so wee anymore! Even though he appears smaller when curled up in a ball in utero, he’s a regular Yao Ming at 14 ½" from head to toe.

Even though he's the size of a player's shoe, he’s not exactly NBA-bound. He’s not yet prepared to race up and down a basketball court, but his lungs are starting to function as they will post-birth. They are capable of breathing air, although the placenta is still supplying his oxygen for now.

His pulmonary vascular system is ready to handle the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide), and his central nervous system is developed enough to control rhythmic breathing. His immune system is also developing, thanks to the white blood cells being churned out by his marrow.


Brynne said...

that is so annoying. I HATE it worse than anything waiting for drs to call back and then having to call them a million times. you are good it's been a week of waiting. i would be going nuts! i can't believe you only have 13 weeks left! that is so soon! did you go early with xander?

Adam and Aubrey said...

Man. Drs SUCK. Who's pregnant?!