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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

29 Weeks

I went to the doctor last week to talk about my new diet and other things. I was supposed to meet with a dietitian, but they were both out of town. I think that that is something they should have checked before they scheduled me. The doctor said that my levels were borderline, but he still wants me on the diet just in case. I don't have to check my blood sugar at home or anything like that, but I have to get it checked at the office every couple of weeks. I go in next week to meet with the dietitian and find our what I need to do to make sure that baby Frank and I stay healthy for a few more months. My doctor then did a routine appointment. He measured my stomach and said that I was measuring perfectly normal. I wasn't expecting that because with Xander, I always measured big and my doctor never failed to mention that. I'm kind of nervous that I will have a small baby, which I don't want. Anything over 8 lbs. is perfect for me. I also only gained one pound this time, so that's pretty good.
I have a negative blood type, so I have to get the RH negative shot, I forget what it's really called. I have to get this done at around 28 weeks and then again after delivery. It ensures that the antibodies in my blood don't attack the baby's blood, which is not good. You have to get it in the hip, so the nurse had me get ready while she got the injection ready. She couldn't get it open and had to run to the lab to grab another one. Meanwhile, I'm just hanging out in the room with half my butt exposed and Xander asking me every ten seconds what I'm doing and if it will hurt, while she attempts to do her job correctly. The injection site hurt for like three days after and I still have a bruise.
After I get back from Arizona I am going in to have my blood sugar tested. They gave me a lab request form to give to the lab, but then they had me schedule an appointment with the doctor, so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I'm about ready to call it quits and go and have my baby in IF, even if I do have to pay out of network fees.
I have to be really careful every morning when I wake up. I have to remind myself not to point my toes while I'm stretching. Even if I do it for only a second, I get horrible charlie horses in my feet and legs. Xander gave me his illness, so now I'm eve grumpier and more tired than before.

At 16½ inches from head to toe (the size of a large pineapple), your baby is starting to get a bit cramped.

He may be moving around less due to the diminished space -- a good average would be about 10 times per hour. If you feel a noticeable decrease in movement, do the fetal kick count we talked about in Week 28; if he’s moving less than 10 times per hour, give your doctor a call.

While his home still allows room to move, baby is going to more than triple in weight before he’s born -- so you can expect his home to grow ever more cozy in the coming weeks.


Laurie said...

It sounds like the Dr's office needs to get their ducks in a row and get things straight. Sorry about the charlie horses, I get them all the time and I'm not pregnant. I usually have a not in my leg for days that hurts when I have to stand on it all day at work.

Adam and Aubrey said...

Honestly, that office BLOWS. I cannot believe how horrible and incompetent they are. That shot scares me. Really. Do you bruise easy? Or do they just suck at shots too? I love that you were left standing there with your pants down! HA HA! Okay, not funny for you, but I get to enjoy it. Good luck with the charlie horses. Those things are KILLER. I honestly get woken up at night and can't function, then the next day it still hurts. It's horrible! Good luck. Maybe eat bananas? Can you?

btw, good job on only gaining a pound! You rule!

case said...

I too got horrible charlie horses when I was pregnant. I would wake up in the middle of the night crying out because i had pointed my toes in my sleep. Casey would wake up and help rub them out. Oh that is something I don't miss about being pregnant.