The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

30 Weeks

I think I am in trouble with this baby. He is so active! He is almost constantly doing flips, somersaults, and cartwheels in my belly. His favorite place to roll over is my bladder and his favorite time to practice his gymnastics is when I'm almost asleep. I am so sick of going to the bathroom and watching late night TV that I could scream. I will miss these crazy stunts after he is born though. I just know he is going to be my wild child, so pray for me!
When I was pregnant with Xander, this was about the time that I started to swell. Thankfully that hasn't happened yet. I'm sure it's only because it's still so cold and going to Arizona just might give my body the excuse that it needs to balloon up. For now I'm just happy that I can still wear all of my shoes and my wedding ring.
I go to meet with the dietitian today to go over my new diet. I'm petty nervous that I won't be able to handle it. This week without sugar has been pretty bad. I'm so used to eating sugar that my body is way out of whack. I get hungry every hour and really weak and nauseous if I don't eat regularly. Just 10 more weeks until I can have ice cream again! Brandon better be prepared to run out and grab me some right after I give birth, because I'm going to need it!
I've been talking to some people in the ward about my impending delivery and the options that I have about where to deliver. So far, everyone has highly recommended that I go to Jackson to have this baby. They all say that they would never give birth here. I'm going to talk to my doctor, but that is probably where we will end up. I just hope I don't have a really short labor and end up giving birth on the way there!
Brynne had her baby girl on Monday, so she has been moved to the flat belly section. My baby bump list is growing shorter and shorter, and my name keeps moving up the list. It's kind of scary that I only have 10 weeks left!

Like Hansel in the gingerbread house, your little one is continuing to accumulate body fat this week, and he’s finally beginning to control his own body temperature. The added fat brings him to about 3 lbs. -- the size of a small pumpkin. The lanugo he developed weeks ago is starting to drop off; at the same time, his eyebrows and lashes are developed and the hair on his head is thickening. His head and body are now proportionate and he is busy growing in those teensy toenails.


Adam and Aubrey said...

I really cannot believe you only have 10 weeks too! That's so soon! (but not. . . you know what I mean?) I know I would never be able to survive without sugar. I pray I don't have to do what you're doing. I cannot believe how good you are at avoiding all the sweets. I'd die. Yay for an active baby! You never know, maybe he'll calm down once he gets out in the cruel cruel world. . . maybe.

The Parks Fam said...

I can't believe how close you are getting!! How exciting!! Madden was the EXACT same way in my belly. Always moving and doing flips and I remember saying I was in for it, and I was right! He is a non stop mover now and is never content! So ya, you are in for it! :) Good luck and you look GREAT by the way!