The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Friday, March 13, 2009

I've Still Got It!!

I just wanted to add this thought because Aubrey and I were talking about it the other day. I quit wearing my regular pants at about 14 weeks because they were so uncomfortable. I have an issue with wearing tight jeans, they make me itch. Well, my maternity pants were all dirty the other day, for some reason I decided to give my old regulars a chance. Not only could I put them on all the way, but I could actually do up the button and the zipper! I still stuck a rubber band on the button, just so I could sit down, but the point is that I have so many more options now! Of course, when I got home I immediately put on some lounge wear, because who sits around their house in tight jeans if they don't have to?
Because we are going to Arizona next week and I will be wearing sandals, I decided that I must give in and paint my toenails. I asked Brandon to do it for me and he said no way and that I should have Xander do it. He would have totally done it if we were dating, but he no longer feels the need to do things for me that he doesn't want to do. So, this morning I got everything all set up and went to work on my sausage toes. I almost passed out several times due to lack of oxygen. Lets just say that they really looks like crap and I will be scheduling a pedicure before the baby comes!


Adam and Aubrey said...

Bow chicka bow wow! Look at your hot pregnant self! I'm impressed you can still put on your pants, REALLY! I feel like I'm busting at the seams. UGH! Stinkin Brandon! Like he won't paint your toenails! Have fun in az!

Brynne said...

i hear ya! I have come up with a pretty good system to get my nails painted! Tim would do it for me though, but i opt out of that! they look like brig did them for me if i let tim.