The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

38 Weeks

I had another doctor's appointment today. Brandon took off from work to come with me, mostly because all of the ladies at work told him that he should. The doctor did another ultrasound to measure the baby. He weighs an estimated 8+ lbs. He wants to get him here before he gets any bigger, but he doesn't want to risk lung underdevelopment by starting me sooner than we have to. I have another appointment next week and if I don't go into labor by then, then he will induce me at that appointment. He didn't check to see if I'm dilated because I'm not having any real contractions, so I hope that I'm progressing on my own. The Scouts are doing highway cleanup tomorrow, so maybe that will help.
This baby is thoroughly searching my insides for a way out. Most of the time he tries to get out the side and it makes my stomach look like I ate an oblong watermelon. He also really likes to push down, which really hurts and it feels like he's about to break my water.
My Braxton Hicks are getting worse, but I still don't think they are real contractions. On Monday evening they were coming every three minutes and getting more uncomfortable, but they stopped before they turned into real contractions. He starts moving as soon as I lie down, which prevents me from getting any sleep at all. I think it goes without saying that I am super grumpy and irritable. Xander has been really good to watch cartoons while I sleep-in in the mornings.
I thought that I might get through this pregnancy without stretch marks because he has been using all of the ones that Xander made for me. Well, they have started to appear. They are not totally new, just little extentions to the old ones. Thankfully they are just little dots right now and they don't itch.
My feet are looking pretty sad because I can't bend over to reach them. I asked Brandon to paint them for me, but he refused. He would have done it if we were dating and not married for the last 6.5 years.
I have lost my appetite lately. Nothing sounds good to eat, except Texas Sheet Cake, of course.
I never go anywhere, and no one ever comes here, so I rarely do my hair and make-up. I have started to do it every day this week, just in case I go into labor. I've got my cameras charged and packed and my hospital bag is mostly packed and ready to go. I need to get Xander a bag packed, even though I have no idea where he will go when the baby comes. I'm sure he would love to be in the room with us, but that would stress me out too much.

Your baby is growing full-steam ahead, accumulating fat and gaining about an ounce every day, but she is about as long as she will get for now.

She is practicing breathing as her lungs continue to develop, as well as urinating and storing up meconium -- a dark substance composed of bile, mucus and epithelial cells -- that will become her first bowel movement. But even though her grip is getting firmer in utero, you still have years until she grasps the whole potty-training thing... At least you have time to prepare!


Adam and Aubrey said...

Oh. Man. You are thisclose to having baby frank! I cannot believe your pregnancy is already almost over! I hope you have a good delivery. I can't believe the dr thinks the baby is over 8 pounds. I bet he's off. My bet is that the baby is in the 7 pound range.

I think you should give your belly what it wants!

Ryan and Julia said...

This is the longest I have ever seen your hair! You look great. I hope this baby comes soon!