The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

33 Weeks

There's not much to talk about this week, except that I am still pregnant. I think that the reason this pregnancy has seemed so long is because I'm cooped up here is Wyoming with nothing to take my mind off of being uncomfortable. My diet is going pretty good. I have my moments of weakness, especially when there are Muddy Buddies in the house. I know if I have overdone it because I usually feel like crap afterward. I still have no energy and I have to take lots of breaks and rests during the day. I hung Xander's shirts in his closet and rearranged the rest of his clothes in the dresser to make room for baby Frank's stuff. I got all of his newborn and 0-3 month size clothes put in the dresser and I love to go in and just look at them, especially the new stuff. We are going to Logan this weekend and we have to pick up a lot of stuff. So, I'm making my list, one of my favorite things to do. I haven't decided if I'm going to buy baby lotion or Eucerine. Xander's skin started to get bad when he was about 3 months old, and every time I'd put baby lotion on him he would scream, but he smelled good.

Over the next few weeks, your little one seems more like a mini sumo-in-training, as he’s going to gain more than half of his total birth weight in that short time. Even though the level of your amniotic fluid is at its maximum, at 18" long, your little guy is seriously running out of room -- especially considering that when he's in the fetal position, he's roughly the size of a soccer ball!.

Due to the cramped space, he’s still in that familiar fetal position, and you are definitely going to feel it every time he decides to stretch those long limbs! His bones are steadily hardening -- except for the skull, which has to remain soft for the journey down the birth canal.

Daily fetal kick counts are still important, and you should be experiencing the same amount of movement, so be sure to track the action and call your doctor if there are any significant changes.


Adam and Aubrey said...

Isn't it crazy how small those 0-3 clothes are?! I forgot until I got Kona's old clothes out for my sister to borrow. I think your pregnancy is going by pretty quick, but then, I'm not 33 weeks pregnant either. . . good luck in WY. And uh, next time you make muddy buddies, mail me your portion. I'll help you out.

Brynne said...

ohh muddy buddies. that is one good thing that has come out of brig having peanut allergies. i can't ever again overdo eating muddy buddies! i can't believe you are 33 weeks! you are almost done! did you go early with xander. you did didn't you?