The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

35 Weeks

Please take some time to participate in the new poll on the side. We still can't agree on a name and we need your help. I just want to see what everyone thinks, but I won't necessarily follow your opinions. Maybe this will help us to realize that we do have a favorite. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any other suggestions, but be serious.
I've been thinking a lot about what this unborn child of ours will look like. You have your first child and you think that he/she are the most beautiful child ever created (until their hair falls out and they develop big open eczema wounds all over their face). You then get pregnant with your second child and you can't imagine them looking any different than your first. There is just no other option, they will be the clone of your first born child. However much sense this makes to my hormonal brain, I know that it will not be like this. Siblings never look alike when they are babies. Take my family for instance: there are six of us and none of us looked anything alike when we were born. I was the only one out of six who was born with black hair. Brandon's family is the same, they each had their own look as babies. So, it's been hard for me to imagine what baby Frank will look like, and I'm dieing to know! I'm training myself right now not to compare this baby to Xander. He will have his own look and personality and that's just the way it is. The interesting thing is, my sisters and I didn't look alike as babies, but people still get us mixed up as adults.
Baby Frank's movement patterns have changed over the last few days. He used to go crazy whenever I ate, sat, or lied down. But lately he has been kind of lazy. I called the doctor to see what I should do and she told me to count the movements per hour. I did that and called the nurse back and she said that my numbers sounded fine. They might do a stress test at my next appointment to make sure, but I shouldn't worry.
This week I washed all of our baby bedding and it's ready to be put in the crib. The only problem is, our crib hardware is in Shelley, we hope, because we can't find it. So, the crib parts are just sitting in Xander's room ready to be put together. We got Xander some new cute bedding for his twin bed, which unfortunately is in Shelley as well. It's a good thing we had planned on going this Saturday, because we need to pick up quite a few things. I also got the car seat washed and adjusted the straps to fit a newborn. I can't believe that babies are that small when they are born!

The little chickie in your belly is a little more than 5 lbs now, and closer to hatching everyday.

Her lungs are developed (the better to crow with, my dear) but if she is born now, she will need the help of an incubator to keep her little 20" beach-hat sized body going.

Over the next few weeks, your tiny chirper is going to be increasing her baby fat -- because what songbird wants to spend her first few days confined to a cramped incubator? So, settle down in your nest, preen a little and take it easy.


Ashlee said...

Adams vote is Atticus

and mine is Corbin

Adam and Aubrey said...

Baby names are so hard. Especially the agreeing on them part! I cannot believe how much are babies are alike! This one used to be crazy all the time, and now he's gotten really lazy too! I still feel the bumps, but it's so irregular and nowhere near as crazy as before! Maybe that means they'll be best friends!

Tyler and Katie said...

Bob, Mel, Joe, Ted, Tim, Bud, Gus, Frank, George, Alf, Don, Lyman, Otis, Ron, Kip, Bill, Ned, that's all we can think of because Celine is on our nerves. Oh, and we are serious.

Daryl and Ashley said...

I too have the same thoughts you do! But, when Jace came I couldn't believe how incredibly handsome he was!