The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

32 Weeks

I had a doctor's appointment today. I had to go get some blood work done before my appointment so that they could check my glucose levels again. My appointment was at 9:00 in the morning, so I had to go to the lab pretty early so that they could have my results at my appointment. We only have one running vehicle, so I had to drop Brandon off at work at 7:00. I got up at 5:20 because my phone kept beeping. We got ready and armed with plenty of snacks, and headed to Afton. I got to the lab at about 7:40 and they didn't take me back until 8:10. I then had to eat breakfast and then wait an hour and get my blood drawn again. While I was waiting, I walked over the doctor's office to tell them I would be late for my appointment. The nurse that scheduled my appointment came out and told me that my doctor was on vacation for Spring Break. Are you freakin' kidding me? What is wrong with these people? I was pretty upset, but what could I do? She said that she would see if one of the family doctors could see me real quick, which meant that I wouldn't be able to hear my test results. The doctor couldn't see me, so I saw an intern that was doing her rounds. She was really nice, but I had a lot of questions that only my doctor could have answered. The only good thing about my appointment was that I only gained 1 lb. again, go me! She kind of felt around my belly to see what position he was in. Her best guess was that he is head down with his butt in my ribs and his back on my right side. I figured this was where he was because I am so lopsided. I didn't have much time at my "appointment" because I had to be back to the lab. I ended up waiting about 20 minutes past the time I was supposed to be seen for them to draw my blood. If we are still living here when we have another baby, I am not going anywhere near SVMC!!

I thought that I was off the hook with melasma, but then I noticed this lovely brown patch below my eye. It's kind of hard to see, but trust me, it's there and noticeable to me. While we were in Arizona my feet actually started to swell. It must have been due to the heat, being on my feet a lot, and the change in elevation. It's gone now and hopefully won't return.

This diet is kicking my butt! I've never been a huge meat eater and I rarely eat eggs, so I feel like I don't have very many choices. I never have any energy and I am very short tempered. I'm trying really hard to be a good mom for Xander, especially because we still can't go outside because of the huge amounts of snow. I have to have rests after everything I do and I can't function without a nap every day. I enjoy being pregnant because I realize what a great blessing it is, but I'm about ready to be done being pregnant.
My heartburn has changed and now it is more like acid reflux. I finally got some liquid medicine and it helps quite a bit. I just half to remember to take it every night or I'm miserable. Xander loves giving baby Frank hugs and kisses. He tries to feel him kick, but he can't hold still long enough to actually feel anything.

At this point, your little spud is about 18.5” and still growing. But there’s no couch potato here! Your basketball-sized baby is extremely active and all five senses are fully developed -- she is keeping very busy.

Her toenails and fingernails are fully formed, as are her eyelashes and the hair on her head, which can range from Sinead O'Connor peach fuzz to a full-on Diana Ross 'do. If you deliver now, your sweet potato faces excellent odds of survival, but the longer she bakes the sweeter she gets!


Adam and Aubrey said...

You're quacked out. Melasma? I can't see a thing. And your dr office SUCKS. Like they don't check his schedule to see if there are any appointments scheduled! FREAKS! They are so lazy and incompetent! Oh man. I'm so proud of you for only gaining 1 pound. I need to be more like you. Although that diet totally blows. I hate eggs, so that'd be rough for me. You are doing so good, and your bump is soooo adorable! Really! I love it!

Daryl and Ashley said...

You ROCK! When they thought that I had GD with Jace... I thought the world was coming to an end. No joke. I was so scared that I would never be able to eat again! Isn't that so pathetic. I am proud of you for sticking to it. You are a GREAT mommy!