The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

12 Weeks

Xander informed me the other day that the baby's name is Colter. I asked what its name will be if it's a girl and he said, "Anna, no Nana". He has been so good while I'm not feeling well. He just plays with his toys and watches cartoons. He'll come and get me if he needs to go potty or sometimes he'll bring his toys in on my bed and we'll play together. Brandon has also been so great. He never complains if the house is a mess or if he has to cook dinner for himself and Xander, thank goodness for corn dogs and chicken nuggets.
12 Weeks Pregnant

Nearing the end of her first three months, the Lilliputian inside you is now fully formed. She's still tiny, though -- at about 2.5" she's the length of an iPod Nano. Her job for the next six months is to strengthen all the systems the two of you have worked so hard to set in place. Brain configuration is nearly complete as her synapses start forming. The pituitary gland is starting to produce hormones: growth hormone, prolactin and more. Her heart is hard at work, pumping several quarts of blood through her body every day!

In addition, her kidneys are developed enough to start filtering liquid -- which means she's getting a head start on those dirty diapers. Her urine will actually become part of the amniotic fluid. She's starting to look more human now as well: her eyes have moved closer together on her face and her ears are nearing their final resting places on the sides of her head.All this development means she can now respond to external stimulation -- she may squint at a bright light, open and close her mouth or give you a show of jazz hands.

And one more thing: the genitalia have finally developed their distinguishing characteristics, so chances are good that at your next ultrasound appointment, you could find out what you are having!

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