The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

13 Weeks

I've had a nasty cold this week, so I'm even more stuffed up than normal. I think that's why I've been so tired because I can't sleep at night because I can't breathe. Now that I'm in my 2nd trimester I'm feeling much better. I still get a little nauseous and nothing sounds good to eat, but I'm doing better. I'm getting sick of the weird dreams. That's one bad thing about blogging, I dream about people from High School against my will. My sister just had a baby and when I went to see them it made it more real that I'm actually pregnant. I'm getting excited to hold our little one in my arms so fresh from heaven that he/she still smells like it.
13 Weeks Pregnant

Though it will be a while before you hear them, little Pavoratti's vocal cords are already developing, preparing to belt out that first anthem of childhood: the healthy wailing that accompanies him into the world.

His cozy home in the amniotic sac continues to expand along with him -- he’s a whopping 3” in length at this point, which is about the size of a large lemon. He’ll start to develop a covering of fine hairs known as lanugo this week, and his senses of taste and smell are even further refined. Also being refined are the whorls and loops that make up that unique identifier we all have: fingerprints. His pancreas is functioning as well (which means he's secreting his own insulin), and he's even developed the villi in his intestines that will help him digest food.

And finally this week, his intestines will make the move into his abdominal cavity -- previously they lived in the umbilical cord as they waited for room in his abdomen. With all this work going on, make sure you continue to take your prenatal vitamins to keep your little one on the right path as he continues to grow!

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