The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

11 Weeks

The doctor put me on some serious vitamins when I went in. I addition to my two prenatal vitamins every night, I also have to take 3 Folic Acid and 1 Omega 3 Fatty Acid (Fish Oil). I've never had a problem taking a handful of pills in one swallow, but these pills are really big! I have to put the fish oil in the freezer so that they dissolve slower and don't make me as nauseous. They also have a lovely after taste.
I've decided that whoever came up with the term "pregnancy glow" was being very kind. I like to call it "pregnancy grease". I've never felt so greasy in my life. I feel like I need to wash my face and hair three times a day!
I suggested to Brandon the other night that we not find out what we are having. He said no. He would rather save money by being prepared right now. I don't think I would be able to not know anyways!
On Monday I got done throwing up and came out of the bathroom. I laid down on the couch and Xander walked over to me and said, "Mama, I real real sorry you sick". It was really cute.
11 Weeks Pregnant

This week the bambino splashes his way into the fishbowl -- at 1.5 inches he’s the size of a betta, that colorful fishbowl favorite. Your betta baby's transparent skin currently resembles Slim Goodbody's signature bodysuit. His skin will remain transparent until you are nearly full term. His fingers and toes have lost their amphibious characteristics and have separated into definite fingers and toes. And the feet that hold those tiny toes? They are small enough to fit on one of your fingernails! Little tooth buds are developing in his gums and in the next week or so, blood will start circulating through that tiny body. But the really cool part? Some of his senses are already developing, like touch and smell. In fact, from this point on, he’ll be really interested in touching his face and mouth as he learns to use those senses. In a move not unlike the Wizard of Oz pulling the curtain closed, your baby's eyelids have fused shut while the iris and other essential parts develop. Remember to keep taking your prenatal vitamins and folic acid -- they are essential to your tadpole's development!

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