The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

14 Weeks

I know I'm a day early, but we are leaving for Thanksgiving tomorrow and I don't know if I'll have time to update. I don't know why it matters because no one has access to this blog yet. I'm still feeling yucky most of the time and easily gag. I'm starting to think that maybe I'll be sick during the whole pregnancy. It's hard because I really want to be healthy and eat well, but most healthy stuff makes me gag. It's a good thing I can still take my vitamins. Brandon says it's all in my head, he's probably right.
Even though my face and hair are super greasy, the rest of my skin is shedding a layer a day. I don't wear black because I'm afraid of evidence showing on my clothes. It's starting to crack and itch, which is hard for me to resist. I need to get some mineral oil for in the shower and start using Xander's steroid ointment (I got the doctor's okay on that).
I bought my first maternity shirt last week. I needed something new to wear to Thanksgiving and all the regular shirts made me look fat instead of pregnant. It's really cute and comfy and I'm excited to wear more maternity clothes as the baby, and I, grow.
14 Weeks Pregnant

Break out the dactyloscope -- your sweet sprite finally has fingerprints! His arches, loops and whorls are just one of the many ways in which he will establish himself as a completely unique being. And, he’s increasingly responsive to external stimuli: if you poke your belly, he’ll wriggle away!

He’s also starting to practice his breathing, learning the inhalation and exhalation movements. You probably won't be able to feel all that moving around, though. At just 3.5", he's just barely as big as a peach -- so he still has lots of room to stretch out, or swim around as the mood strikes him.

Even though his eyelids remain fused shut, Baby is able to move his eyes around, and can finally make a fist. His neck is lengthening and his chin no longer rests on his chest.

Cute Alert!Your little mime is making faces now: he might alternately grimace, squint and frown!

The placenta is still Baby's source of nourishment, so remember that when making your food and drink choices. In the next few weeks, his tiny bones will start to ossify, or harden, so it's still very important to take your prenatal vitamins and folic acid. You will be scheduled for an ultrasound in the next couple of weeks and at this appointment, you should be able to find out if you are having a boy or a girl. If you don't want to know the baby's gender until you deliver, let every doctor and technician you come across know to keep it a secret!

1 comment:

Adam and Aubrey said...

Oh my gosh. Seriously laughing here! HA HA! You can wear black. Just blame it on something else! Besides, who notices that crap?!