The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 8

I finally started to feel sick last week. However, it is nothing compared to the constant wrenching like when I was pregnant with Xander. This pregnancy is completely different. I'm still starving all the time and have to eat to feel better. With Xander, I couldn't even think about eating anything or I would loose it! I do want to barf if I even think about the carrots that we canned, I'm gagging as I type. A couple of nights in a row I have woken up in the middle of the night feeling sick. I'm still kind of worried that something is wrong, but I hope that I am being spared morning sickness this time because of all that I went through to get pregnant. Maybe I've just grown up and toughened up and am now better at being pregnant. I can't wait to go to my appointment next week! Brandon informed me yesterday that he could tell that I was pregnant in my garments. Thankfully I am rarely seen in just my garments by people outside of my household. We want to keep this pregnancy a secret as long as possible!
8 Weeks Pregnant

Last week your little tootsie was a blueberry, this week it’s back to the legume family: baby is about ¾” long, or roughly the size of a pinto bean. Luckily, that’s where the resemblance ends. Your magic bean is growing eyelid folds and the nerve cells in his retinas are beginning to form. The heart is being embellished with aortic and pulmonary valves. Fingers and toes have progressed beyond bud stage and now are formed down to the first joint, although they are still webbed. And baby finally has a funny bone − you’ll have to wait a bit to test it out, though

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