The purpose of this blog is to remember all the aspects of pregnancy, good and bad.
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 9

The pukes have finally started. Although, I've only made a deposit in the porcelain bank 3 times, it's still 3 times too many. I'm driving Brandon crazy with my worry all the time. If I'm not feeling sick, then I get worried that something is wrong. While I was in the bathroom Xander came in and was really interested in what I was doing. He stood by me and rubbed my back and asked lots of questions. The next time, he stood by me and mimicked me and then laughed. Later he told me that I spit all my yuckies out and then flushed them away. At least I can still entertain while I'm puking my guts out!
9 Weeks Pregnant
This week your little tadpole takes a giant step up the evolutionary ladder and loses that pesky tail. Moreover, he’s a healthy 1” this week -- around the size of a green olive. One other big change has occurred: if you had an ultrasound today, chances are good that you’d see your own little Chubby Checker bopping around in there, because he’s really starting to move. His kidneys are starting to function and his spinal cord has now grown the full length of his spine. As if that weren't enough, his intestines are migrating from the umbilical cord into his growing abdominal cavity.

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